Granule Loss on My Roof: Should I Be Concerned?

Your asphalt shingle roof has a protective granule coating that plays a vital role in shielding your home from the elements, so losing them can be a cause for concern. But is granule loss always a bad sign? The Renovation Team talks about when you should start worrying about granule loss and when it might be time to call the professionals.

Your Roof Is Old

If your roof is nearing the end of its service life and showing signs of granule loss, have it inspected by the pros as soon as possible. Shingles have a limited life span, and with age, they become more vulnerable to losing a significant amount of their protective granules. It’s a wise idea to replace the entire roof if you notice excessive granule loss since it’s only going to accelerate the age-related damage.

Improper Installation 

Improper installation is another common cause of granule loss. If the roofing material isn’t installed correctly, there can be inadequate support for the shingles. This can lead to premature aging of the roof. In these situations, it’s best to contact experienced and licensed roofers to correct the problem. 

Bad Shingle Product

If your roof is still under warranty and you notice significant granule loss, it’s likely a result of a defect in the shingles. Get in touch with a manufacturer-certified contractor who can assess the damage and determine the best course of action. 


Weather can be a cause of granule loss as well. Asphalt shingles, while designed to withstand the elements, can become worn down over time, resulting in a loss of granules. This can be more prevalent in areas with extreme conditions. Snow and extreme temperatures can cause snow and ice to accumulate on the roof, pulling off the shingle granules. 

When to Seek Roofing Pros

A few loose granules in your gutters or in your yard may not be a cause for alarm. If there’s an excessive amount, however, it might be an indication that your roof is past its prime. If you have doubts that the granule loss you’re seeing is due to something other than age or weathering, it’s likely time to take a step back and seek professional assistance. A licensed, experienced roofer can easily assess the damage and determine whether it’s due to a defect in the shingle product, poor installation, or a combination of the two. 

You Can Trust Renovation Team

Left unchecked, granule loss can lead to your roof’s premature failure. Paying attention to this early warning sign is always crucial. For quality roofing solutions in St. Louis, Creve Coeur, and St. Charles, MO, the Renovation Team is always happy to help. Give us a call at (636) 939-1061, or fill out our convenient online form to request an estimate.