It’s normal to be overwhelmed when selecting a combination for your siding and trim colors. Your choice has to be perfect because it would be difficult and costly to change your mind soon after you’ve repainted or replaced your siding.

To help you pick the right siding and trim color combination, here are a few basic tips to remember.
Check the Color Scheme of the Homes in Your Neighborhood
Look around your neighborhood for inspiration. Many established residences in your area may have used certain color combinations to achieve a distinct style. List down the colors you like most, the most commonly used color combinations and the architectural styles where particular color combinations are used. You can use this list as a reference when picking a siding and trim combo for your home.
Architectural Style
Your home’s architectural style is an essential consideration when selecting a color combination for your siding and trim. Colonial homes, for instance, typically look best in white and subtle accents. Meanwhile, Victorian-style homes usually have darker siding. Cape Cod homes can use a combination of gray and blue hues, while modern homes often look good in neutral shades.
Main Siding Color
When choosing the main siding color, make sure to get a sample and see how it in full sunlight.
Secondary Color
Your secondary color should be used to balance out the color palette of your home’s exterior. For example, if you picked a cool neutral as your main siding color, choosing a warm secondary color would create a nice contrast that would help make your primary color pop.
Trim Color
Your trim and accents are the finishing touches that would give your home a more polished look. Classic white trim works with just about any other color. But if your siding colors are mostly neutral and subdued, a bold trim color would beautifully complement them.
Renovation Team provides excellent siding replacement services. Call us at (636) 939-1061, or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.