Weather extremes can cause serious issues to different parts of your house, especially the roof. You never know when a storm can damage your home, so it pays to know how to file an insurance claim. The more you know about the process, the easier and faster you can submit your claim.
What Are the Effects of Storm and Hail on Residential Roofs?
Damage can occur on roofs due to weather extremes, such as hail and severe storms. You should always have your roof checked after a disaster hits your area. Keep in mind that it’s easy for untrained eyes to miss different signs of roof storm damage.
Why Is a Roof Tear-Off a Worthy Investment?
When you’re preparing for a roofing replacement, you’re presented with two choices. It’s either you have your old roof completely removed to be replaced by a brand-new roofing system. Another option is to have new roofing materials installed over the old shingles. Here’s why a tearing off the old roof is a worthwhile investment. Maximize the Benefits […]
Essential Details in a Roofing Warranty
Any roofing project can become a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time going about having one. From searching for a skilled local roofer to looking for the perfect materials to creating a sufficient budget for the project, a roofing project is one of the most important investments a homeowner can make. With that said, one […]
Useful Tips for Saving Money on and With Your Roof at Home
Weighing the cost-effectiveness of a roofing option involves considering not just how much you’re going to have to pay for getting it installed, but also how much money it can save you throughout its expected lifespan. Here are a few money-saving roofing ideas you may find useful.