Why Asphalt Shingles Are the Indisputable Roofing Champ

Asphalt shingles remain indisputable despite the emergence of other roofing materials, but how did they become so popular? Many people choose this roofing material because asphalt shingles are relatively more affordable than other types of roofing systems. Plus, this material has a unique look that can match both modern and traditional homes. Renovation Team, your exterior siding installation company, explains the perks of installing asphalt shingles on your home.

Weather Resistance

As your home’s first line of defense against the elements, your roof needs to remain intact to keep your interior dry, safe and cozy. Fortunately, asphalt shingles are a durable option that can resist torrential rainfalls, strong winds and hail impact. One variant of asphalt shingles even contains fiberglass, which absorbs less moisture. This makes them an ideal option for areas with warm or damp climates.


Architectural asphalt shingles can last up to 30 years with proper maintenance. The granules embedded in the weather surfaces of the shingles reflect sunlight to maintain your home’s comfort level. These also help protect your roofing system from the ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can cause damage. To get the most out of your investment, work with a reliable home improvement contractor for your asphalt shingle installation.


Many homeowners are shifting to sustainable building materials to reduce the amount of construction waste discarded in landfills. Luckily, asphalt shingles are highly recyclable. Most of the recycled asphalt is used to build roads or create new roofing shingles.


Asphalt shingle installation is also a great way to revamp your home’s look. This type of roof is versatile since it comes in a wide array of colors, styles and patterns.

Renovation Team offers residential roofing services to help boost your home’s curb appeal, weather protection and energy efficiency. Call us today at (314) 200-2228, or fill out our online form to learn more about our products and services. We serve residents of St. Louis and St. Charles, MO.